Monday, September 25, 2006

Salem A baby for Lucy?

Anyone interested in understanding the truth about Lucy and other Australopithecus afarensis should read this article from Creation Ministries International.
The ‘Lucy Child’More good news for creationists by Carl Wieland

Although 'Lucy' has some aspects of physiology that show possible bipedal locomotion, in all important ways Lucy and her child are very much like an ape. Lucy has a similar brain size to an ape, a chimp like hyoid bone, curved finger bones used for knuckle walking and climbing and ape like shoulder bones.

Read the full article for more.

Beaver-like mammal from the middle Jurassic of China

Palaeontologists have recently uncovered an aquatic mammal from the middle Jurassic, Jiulongshan Formation of Northeast China. Although it has many similarities with modern mammals such as the beaver and the otter, it has been placed in the order Docodonta because of the shape of the teeth and the fact that the evolutionary paradigm prevents identification as a modern mammal in this period.

Once again the fossil layers of China are throwing the evolutionary paradigm into chaos with mammals very similar to modern forms popping up in deeper layers than previously thought possible. As creationists we believe that this is only to be expected, that although some species have become extinct, the direct ancestors of modern animal kinds must have been present on the pre-Flood period. Although palaeontologists have placed these animals in different orders than modern mammals, the degree of similarity suggests that this different classification is driven more by the dogma of evolution rather than major differences in form between the animals.

For full story read the article here.